IRB’s chairperson says microinsurance can avoid inequality worsening

Publicado em: 15/09/2020

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IRB Brasil RE’s CEO and chairperson of the Board of Directors, Antonio Cassio dos Santos, on this Tuesday, 15, said, in a live broadcast offered by Exame and Money Report, that the expansion of microinsurance aiming at low-income population could have avoided the worsening of the economic and social crisis during the pandemic. On his opinion, the existence of regulatory funds managed by reinsurers could make the difference in emergencies, such as the one posed by covid-19..

“Our activity is one of social responsibility. Who are the most vulnerable in any catastrophe? Usually the poorest ones. Our challenge is expanding microinsurance, which targets the lowest classes. Microinsurance is not philanthropy. It is low-ticket business that helps people not going back in upward social mobility”, says he, highlighting: “if this concept was well developed for us, we would not face so hard times during the pandemic.”

Antonio Cassio was one of the debaters in the panel addressing the best environmental, social and governance practices (ESG, as internationally known) during the digital forum “Líderes do Futuro” [Future Leaders], with participation of Alexandre Costa, from Cacau Show, Ivo Wohnrath, from Athié Wohnrat, João Paulo Ferreira, from Natura, Nicola Cotugno, from Enel Brasil,  and Onara Lima, from Ambipar.

The executive, who is leading the largest reinsurer in Brazil since March, has structured the company, focused on transparency and growth, paying special attention to social responsibility. IRB’s CEO used the event to explain, in a simple and direct way, the activity of the reinsurer and its role in the economic and social scenario, mainly during large-sized catastrophes.

“Our business is part of the concept of sustainability of any business. The reinsurer’s activity is being the guardian angel in moments of great catastrophes”, highlighted Antonio Cassio. “Sustainability is part of our business in the way we differentiate sustainable risks from unsustainable risks, favoring the sustainable ones”, says he.

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