Terms of use and privacy of the website irbre.com.
This Regulation on the Use and Privacy of the Website (“Regulation”) governs your relationship with IRB BRASIL RESSEGUROS S.A. (“IRB(Re)” or “Company”) when you use the website irbre.com (the “Website”), and details in what circumstances and for what purposes we use your information when you interact with the Website. These Terms do not apply to third parties, such as social media, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. Even if you use such media to connect with us, you should always be aware of the terms and policies applicable to any third party websites or platforms you visit.
The Website is intended for informational purposes only, seeking to disclose our activities and provide details about our activities and services. The Website is not a platform for selling services, and you will not be able to contract services through the Website.
The Website and the content therein are merely informative and the details provided should not be considered sale recommendations, financial analysis, or any type of consultancy. The statements contained in the documents presented on the Company’s website related to business prospects, projections about operating and financial results, and those related to the Company’s growth prospects are merely projections and, as such, are based exclusively on the expectations of the Executive Board about the future of business. These expectations depend, substantially, on the approvals and licenses required for the homologation of the projects, market conditions, the performance of the Brazilian economy, the sector and international markets and, therefore, they are subject to changes without prior notice. You are solely responsible for any use you make of the information on the Website.
You agree to use the Website in good faith and respecting the merely informative purpose of the content made available. You may not use the Website in any manner that could impair its functionality, including, but not limited to, attempts to introduce malicious code, denial of service attacks, and abuse of any defects or errors on the Website.
All content made available on the Website is the sole and exclusive property of IRB(Re) or has been duly licensed to IRB(Re). These Terms do not grant any license or assignment of intellectual property rights, and you are not authorized to reproduce any part of the Website or its content, under penalty of the sanctions provided for by the applicable legislation.
During your use of the Website, we collect some Personal Data provided by you in order to respond to your message:
For this purpose, we collect information provided by you when completing the Contact Us form, including name, email address, telephone, company, and the content of the message; and
The information is stored at IRB(Re) for the period strictly necessary to respond to your message.
In any case, your Personal Data will be stored in an environment with the best security standards in the market and compatible with the nature of the data, either directly by IRB(Re) or by a contracted third party, which will undertake to follow the provisions of this Regulation. When necessary, we will respond to the request for access to Personal Data for a specific purpose.
As a holder of Personal Data, you have certain rights under applicable law, including the right to request the rectification of incorrect information and to revoke your consent, in cases where processing was based on consent, in addition to other rights provided for by current legislation. In order to exercise any of your rights or in case of any questions about our data processing practices, please contact our Privacy Channel via email: dataprotection@irbre.com (Data Protection Officer – DPO at IBR(Re): Alexander Procaci Campos Ferreira).
During your use of the Website, we may automatically collect some information not considered Personal Data, that is, information that is not capable of identifying you, such as the model of your device and the country of access, for statistical purposes and with the intention of improving the Website.
If you wish to make a report, you will be redirected to the website www.contatoseguro.com.br/en/irbre, operated by an independent company. The information you share through our Whistleblowing channel will be managed by Contato Seguro Prevenção de Riscos Empresariais LTDA and will be subject to its own terms of use and privacy. It is very important that you read and agree to Contato Seguro’s terms of use and privacy policy before using the website.
By using the Website, you state that you have read, understood and agree with this Regulation. It will be necessary to read and expressly consent to the Regulation before submitting any communication through the contact channels on our Website.
If you have any questions about the content or our practices for processing Personal Data, please contact us through our Privacy Channel, at dataprotection@irbre.com.
This Standard is effective as of its publication, shall be revised on demand, whenever there are changes in legislation, scenarios or operations, and will remain valid until its revocation or inclusion of new provisions.
a) Law No. 13,709/18;
b) Provisional Presidential Decree No. 869/18.
We are IRB(Re), a brazilian private reinsurance company. We provide coverage across all business lines.
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