The 12th edition of the IRB+Mercado Bulletin, a monthly report by the IRB+Inteligência platform, shows that the rise in insurance revenues returned to double digits in August: 18.2% compared to the same month of 2020, totaling R$ 12.6 billion in premiums issued. There was growth in the six segments analyzed, especially rural, which obtained a positive variation of 59.9%, considering August last year. In 2021, revenues reached R$ 91.93 billion, an increase of 15.8% compared to the total in the first eight months of 2020.
The loss rate, in turn, reached 53.3% in August, an increase of 8.5 percentage points (p.p.) compared to the same month of 2020. And 50.9% in the year: 7.8 p.p. more than the index recorded in the same period last year. The rate in the Life segment reached 50.3% in the first eight months of the year and was the highest in the historical series – since 2014 – for this period. The net income of the insurers closed at R$ 611 million in the month, surpassing the mark of R$ 5 billion in the year- to-date. The number, in the year, is 60.4% lower than that recorded in the first eight months of 2020.
Considering each segment, in August, Rural raised R$ 1.2 billion. Vehicles totaled R$ 3.4 billion (+11.9%). Vida earned R$ 4.6 billion (+15.9%). The Corporate Segment of Damages and Liabilities totaled R$ 1.9 billion (+15.7%); Against Damage, R$ 1.1 billion (+15.8%); and Credit and Guarantee, R$ 398 million (+28.2%).
The IRB+Mercado Bulletin summarizes insurance operations from the public data provided by Susep on 10/1, considering the insurance of damages, liabilities and persons. The edition also lists the top five insurance groups per line of business. The analysis is available, in full, on the IRB Brasil RE website. At the same address, the IRB+Mercado Segurador’s Dashboard allows dynamic and free consultation of information from across the industry.