The manager Werner Suffert is IRB Brasil RE’s new Executive, Finance and Investors Relations vice-president, the executive, who worked as BB Seguridade’s CFO and Investors Relations officer for the last years, he will also work as acting CEO, up to the appointment of a professional to this position.
“Werner is a highly qualified professional, acknowledged and reputable by his career, who will be fundamental for the good relation between IRB Brasil RE and the shareholders and markets in general”, says Pedro Guimarães, acting chariperson of IRB BRasil RE’s Board of Directors, who adds: “His broad experience in the insurance sector will be fundamental for the sequence of the company, which has presented soundness and good results.”
Business manager with MAs from Fipe and Coppead/UFRJ, Suffert started his career at Banco do Brasil, where he worked in different areas. He was a member of Brasilseg’s Financial Committee and Brasilcap’s Financial Committee president. Part of different Brasilprev’s boards, including the Administration one. At BB Seguridade, in addition to CFO, he worked as CEO during a brief period. Up to February this year, he was a member of the IRB Brasil’s Board of Directors.
Suffert was elected by the company’s Board of Directors after José Carlos Cardoso, president, and Fernando Passos, former Executive, Finance and Investors Relations vice-president, left the company on Wednesday (March 04th). Both presented their withdrawal letters, accepted by the Board.