IRB Brasil RE will donate BRL1 million to the emergency fund for facing the new coronavirus of Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), through the program Unidos Contra a Covid-19. The donation made by the reinsurer will be used in the clinical assay Solidarity, which researches the efficiency of coronavirus treatments, aiming at a fast answer on which medicines are efficient or not for treating the disease.
“The pandemic poses unprecedented challenges and we, who work in the insurance and reinsurance market, have the main role of supporting society in uncertainty moments. This is what we are doing. We directed funds in the budget, destined to cancelled commercial and institutional events, to this action. It is time to make efforts together and support research. IRB, as leader reinsurer, is aware of its responsibility”, says IRB’s chairperson of the Board of Directors and acting chairperson, Antônio Cássio dos Santos.
The clinical assay, led by World Health Organization (WHO), takes place in different countries. In Brazil, it is coordinated by Fiocruz, supported by The Ministry of Health of Brazil. “This support is very important, considering the challenge that the health emergency of the new coronavirus represents to the country. The partnership with IRB Brasil RE strengthen even more the research on fighting Covid-19”, highlights Friocruz’s Institutional Development and Management vice-president, Mário Moreira.