Families from Complexo do Chapadão, a set of communities in five districts of the Northern region of Rio de Janeiro, were the first ones to receive today (December 18th) food donated by IRB Brasil RE to the action Rio Contra Corona, an initiative by the movement União Rio. In total, up to Friday, 5 thousand socially vulnerable people from 46 communities in the Northern and Western regions of the capital and cities in Baixada Fluminense, such as Japeri and Duque de Caxias, will benefit from the one thousand basic food baskets sent by the reinsurer to the project.
“The company has a history of promoting social actions by the end of the year. Due to the pandemic, this was an atypical year, and covid-19 posed unprecedented challenges to all society. We, who act in the insurance and reinsurance market, play the vital role of supporting society in uncertain moments. This is what we are doing when we contribute to minimizing the vulnerability of such families in the end of the year”, says IRB Brasil RE’s Marketing and Communication manager, Daniele Sibucs, reminding that the company is also promoting the direct donation by the employees to the movement União Rio.
The action Rio Contra Corona, managed by Instituto Ekloos, Banco da Providência and Instituto Phi, aims at minimizing the impacts caused by covid-19 through the collection and distribution of food and items for hygiene and cleaning. Among the non-perishable food donated by IRB, there are rice, beans, salt, pasta, corn flour, sugar and powdered milk. To celebrate the end of the year, the basket also includes a panettone. The expectation is assuring 200 thousand meals with the 14 tons of food comprising the one thousand baskets.
Instituto Ekloos’ president, Andrea Gomides, explains that Rio Contra Corona has already raised BRL24.7 million and has more than 7 thousand donators. “We started the campaign at the beginning of the pandemic, in March, and, up to the last month, we had donations of more than 4 thousand tons of food and more than 1 million liters of cleaning and hygiene material, which were sent to around 310 thousand families of 237 communities in all the state”, she tells, highlighting that the donations can be made by anyone through the website: https://www.movimentouniaorio.org.