Such value represents a 5% increase in the contracting of protection by insurance companies. Revenue from the issuance of premiums reached R$18.6 billion in October 2024, an increase of 16%
Brazilian insurers contracted R$22.3 billion in reinsurance in the first ten months of 2024. Increase of 5% compared to the same period in 2023. In October of last year alone, the last month analyzed by the IRB+Mercado Report released today (01/06), the insurance market transferred R$2.5 billion in premiums to reinsurers, an increase of 20.9% in the annual comparison. The growth indicates, in a simplified way, that insurance companies are taking out more protection for their portfolios.
The analysis, which is published by the IRB+Inteligência platform and considers the most recent data released by Susep, also indicates that insurers collected R$18.6 billion in premiums issued in October 2024, a positive variation of 16%. Although all segments registered monthly growth, both Credit and Collateral and Damages and Liabilities stood out in comparison with the same month in 2023: +30.4% and +29.2%, respectively. In 2024 to date, the amount collected reached R$172.1 billion (+10.6%). The Rural segment was the only one with a slight decline, considering the period from January to October: -0.2%.
An indicator that evaluates the operational performance of insurance companies, the loss ratio declined 1.7 percentage points (p.p.), closing at 38.5% in October. In the sum of the first ten months of 2024, it was 42.8%, an increase of 0.7 p.p. Available in full on the IRB(Re) website, the IRB+Mercado Report also shows that insurance companies in Brazil had a net profit of R$3.3 billion in October, an increase of 8.8%. In the year to date, there was a slight decline of 0.2%, totaling R$30.3 billion.
Credit and Collateral registers the highest increase in October
The Life segment, accounting for 35.1% of the total policies issued from January to October, ended the tenth month with revenues of R$6.5 billion, an increase of 13.9% compared to the same month in 2023. The growth was driven by Collective Credit Life Insurance, with an increase of 27.4%. The loss ratio in October reached 26.7% (-1.4 p.p.).
Automobiles raised the equivalent of R$5 billion in October, an increase of 9.2% compared to the same period in 2023. The monthly loss ratio increased by 4.6 p.p., rising from 55.8% in October 2023 to 60.4%. Damages and Liabilities issued R$3.4 billion in premiums, growth of 29.2% compared to October 2023. It was the second biggest increase among segments. The loss ratio recorded in October fell 5.5 percentage points, closing at 33.4%.
Individual against Damage had a monthly collection of R$ 1.5 billion, a positive variation of 12.7%, mainly due to the good performance of Comprehensive Business insurance, whose revenue was 17.9% higher. The loss ratio for the month was 36.6%.
Revenue in the Rural segment, in October, was R$1.5 billion, growth of 20% compared to the same month in 2023. The good result did not prevent a decline of 0.2% from January to October. The loss ratio declined by 9.9 p.p. and reached 19.4% in October. It is the lowest ratio achieved for this month since the beginning of the historical series in 2014.
Finally, Credit and Collateral turned over R$639 million in October, an increase of 30.4% compared to the figure recorded a year earlier. The result, the best among all segments, Indicates recovery after a negative variation of 22.6% in September. October’s loss ratio closed at 24.7%.
The IRB+Mercado Report summarizes damage, liability and personal insurance operations. The Dashboard IRB+Mercado Segurador, which allows dynamic and free consultation of all information, is also online. Go to